11 April 2019: Meet ‘VOCA’!


Ladies and gentleman, meet ‘VOCA’ !

Aerial Vocations ltd is truly delighted to reveal our incredible new project…

‘VOCA’ is an Extra EA230 single seat monoplane, built in 1986 for unlimited aerobatic competitions and airshows.
She is lightweight (599kg) fast (220kts) and powerful, fitted with a modified 230 horsepower six litre engine with systems that allow prolonged inverted flight and high ‘g’ manoeuvres. Stressed to a design strength of +/-10g, with an ultimate structural limit of +/-23g!
She is fitted with a very effective smoke system for painting fluffy white lines in the sky as she goes about her work.

Aerial Vocations ltd is beyond excited, to have negotiated her purchase and is currently developing a business plan in order to show her both locally and nationally, privately and eventually publicly.

VOCA is designed for one thing and she does it well.
In 1986 she was a world beater, top of the class and a winner. She has been left behind in terms of unlimited class competitions with material developments and more powerful engines, she is now almost a classic. There were only nineteen ever made before the high quality of wood required became unobtainable. They have been called the ‘Stradivarius of aeroplanes’ because of the exquisite wood working that lurks under the wing covering.
Just three 230’s remain in the United Kingdom. She might not win unlimited level competitions anymore, but she is just perfect as a classic show machine.

She will be marketed as an affordable, and accessible private and public display aircraft, offering a standard 8 minute routine for just £895.00 plus an ‘at cost’ transit fee depending on distance from operating base. Full details and a brochure can be supplied on request

The remainder of 2019 will be used to develop the routine, gain proficiency and CAA display approvals.

It is planned that we will ‘go commercial’ and ready to accept bookings for early 2020.

Interest from corporate sponsors is now invited, and full details can be supplied on request. An early entry offer is currently available.

Please direct all enquiries to aerialvocations@gmail.com

using subject title: VOCA SPONSORSHIP


This is a unique opportunity in Scotland and sponsorship options are limited, don’t miss out!


Smoke on…GO!

4 June 2018. Aerial Vocations ltd makes a local boy very happy!

After learning of a local boys strong interest in the company operated Jet Provost aircraft, company director Paul Gibbs offered to show him around the machine.

Yusuf is fourteen year old and has autism. He has a great passion for all things aviation.

After a successful hangar tour, Paul offered Yusuf the chance to fly in the jet.

A plan was arranged, and on the 4 June, they took to the skies!

The unusual story was picked up by local and national media, and went viral on the internet.

24 March 2018. Aerial Vocations ltd receives CAA approval to operate JP5A.

The U.K. CAA, have now approved Aerial Vocations ltd to operate Jet Provost T5A in accordance with CAP360.

This means that the ‘Inverness Jet Provost’ Project is now a reality, and should become a regular sight in U.K. skies.

The company offers thanks to Jon Corley and Aero Heritage for assisting with this achievement. We will continue to work together for the next twelve months until all staff are suitably qualified to be post holders.

5 October 2017. Aerial Vocations ltd chosen to manage and operate ‘Inverness Jet Provost’.

Aerial Vocations ltd is delighted to have been chosen to operate and manage a BAC Jet Provost T5A ex-military jet trainer, on behalf of its owner.

CAA approval will be sought to operate in accordance with CAP360, and an OCM will be submitted in due course.

The aircraft will be based at Inverness airport (EGPE), and flown in accordance with the owners requirements.

Company director Paul Gibbs will begin his conversion training shortly.


2 September 2017. Aerial Vocations ltd wins!

Paul Gibbs of Aerial Vocations ltd, has won the highly contested ‘Malcolm Allen’ trophy at the 2017 Light Aircraft Association national rally!

Thr trophy is awarded each year to the person who flies the ‘Most meritorious arrival by air’ at the rally.

Paul won after flying from the North of Scotland to the rally in Northampton in his very small and basic, Tipsy Nipper aircraft.

The flight was nearly 500 Miles, and took a little over five hours with one fuel stop en-route.

He spent the weekend at the show, including sleeping under the wing in a micro-tent!




11 November 2015. Published!

Aerial Vocations ltd has taken its first steps into the world of aviation writing, with the publication of ‘The Lure Of The East’; a pilots perspective to working in mainland China.

The article was supplied exclusively to the U.K. monthly magazine ‘Pilot’, and published in the November 2015 issue.

23 December 2014. Aerial Vocations ltd is born!

Following compulsory redundancy from his airline position in early 2014, Captain Paul A Gibbs decided to follow his own path, and set up Aerial Vocations ltd to provide high quality ‘Pilot Services and Consultancy’ to the aviation industry.

Initially on placement with a domestic Chinese airline through association with APAS agency.